Calamity Mouth

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.
Proverbs 21:23

It's not easy.  Especially in this world, where we find so many loud voices.  But you must try.  Your mouth will get you in so much trouble.  There are times when I wish I didn't have a tongue at all.  It seems that every day I say things that I wish could be taken back.  But never can they be retrieved.  Words are like arrows shot from a bow.  You can't catch them and put them back before they do damage.

One problem, I find, is that when I stay silent, I often feel misunderstood.  People assume that if I don't speak, then I must not be interested in them.  I'm still learning this important skill.  How to make people feel valued while not flinging words about.  There is a trick to it.  It's called listening.  How hard that can be sometimes.  Especially when most people do fling words about.

What if we could weigh all of our words on a large scale?  We could put hurtful words on one side, and helpful, encouraging words on the other.  I'm afraid my hurtful side would not only tip the balance, but probably topple the table.  There are so many words that I regret.    

The old saying is true, "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all."

Do not pile up regret my son.  Guard your tongue.  Don't be a calamity mouth.
